Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I decided to try out a product called "Evapo-Rust" on some of the small parts that were badly rusted. I had read reviews of the product and though it might save some time and chrome work if it worked.

 Here are some photos of the SL90 headlight stays showing a "before and after" comparison (actually one stay treated and other not).  The shiny stay was soaked in Evapo-Rust for 24 hours and it is not rinsed or polished - this is what it looks like straight out of the soak.

Overall, it works very well on chrome parts.  Obviously, it won't cure bubbled or pitted chrome, but it's good enough for restoring screws and small parts without sending them off to the plater.  For example, the ring clips sitting above the headlight stays in the photos looked like complete rust lumps before they were soaked in Evap-Rust.  It's hard to believe they are the same rings.

I tried the Evapo-Rust on unchromed parts too. It removes the rust and leaves the steel a gray color - don't expect unchromed steel to come out shiny (the axle adjuster at the top of the photo is an example) - it won't be shiny, but the rust will be gone.

Final results - both stays soaked

Headlight stays restored with NOS Stanley  reflectors.

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