Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Cleaning SL90 Carburetor - Part 1

My second SL90's carburetor needs a rebuild and I decided to clean it before disassembling it.  The carb was really gunked up.  I used to use Berryman's carb dip to clean carbs, but I don't like using flammable, toxic cleaners, so I tried Pine Sol based on some on-line posts on various motorcycle forums.  It's non-toxic, easy to dispose of, cheap and makes your shop smell like pine trees (or a janitors closet).

I used undiluted Pine Sol in a plastic container and soaked the carb for about 2 hours.  After soaking I rinsed off the Pine Sol and soaked the carb in clean water and flushed out the Pine Sol.

Before - fairly well gunked!

After soaking and a quick buff - I'm impressed with the Pine Sol, it removed most of the gunk, grease and dirt.

Now that I can see the screws and jets the next steps are: disassemble, clean jets and needle,  detail clean the bowl and crevices, replace gaskets, use compressed air to blow out the orifices and set floats...

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